- Established 2007

RIP Beau Chattan MacVane June 4, 1976 to June 25, 2009

Join Beau MacVane in his fight against ALS

You have never seen one of these from me before and I hope I never need to send another ever again, but your help is needed and now. I know your time is precious, but my friend Beau?s time is even more precious.

A young man and a very good friend of the Seta family fought for our country to help protect us all, now he fights for his life and needs our help.

First let me tell you a little about Beau: Image
1. High school student athlete Boca Raton High
2. College Student and College Football, 5 years
3. 2002 ? 2006 Served five tours of duty in Iraq and Afghanistan
4. Army Ranger
5. Specialized airborne Infantry
6. Unit citations and numerous battle award and recognitions

Beau's grandfather fought in WWII; Beau?s Dad fought in Vietnam, and Beau?s older brother was a Marine during the Somalia conflict. A family of Patriots.

After his service with the Army, everyone thought he was home safe, but a new war started for Beau and his family of patriots. Just over a year ago, Beau now 31 years old was diagnosed with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), a degenerative, neuromuscular disease commonly referred to as Lou Gehrig's disease. This terrible disease slowly shuts down the nervous system and muscular control, but has no negative physical affect on the mind. There is no known cure for this disease and the reason for a higher incidence of occurrence among our vets is undetermined.

By clicking here you can help to Create a world without ALS

To support Beau and his family, coworkers and friends have joined together as "BEAU"S PLATOON" to participate in the 2008 Walk to Defeat ALS on April 19th in Jupiter, FL. The ALS Foundation is the only national, non-profit organization dedicated solely to fighting ALS. Although the disease has progressed rapidly, Beau has an athlete's physique, a steely spirit and continues to be courageous. Beau carefully walks with the aid of a walker and often uses his wheel chair. Accordingly, he plans to complete this year's event under his own power on his recumbent bicycle. The 2008 Walk starts at Roger Dean Stadium and all who are able are encouraged to participate with Beau's Platoon - a large number of participants would be uplifting for Beau and his family.

You can help several ways:
1. Keeping Beau in your prayers
2. Come and join in the walk in Jupiter Florida
3. Make a donation to the cause of fighting ALS

Donation can be made directly online click here


You can also make a donation by check payable to:
"The ALS Association Florida Chapter"

Mail to:
Andrea Frackiewicz
17676 Foxwood Way
Boca Raton, FL 33487

*Content courtesy of Joe Seta